ABC: E-mails and photos contradict NRA claims that keep group away from 2015 trip to Russia


The New York Times announced earlier this week that members of the organization – including "renowned donors, boosters, and board members" – were Rendered in the country during a trip organized by Maria Butina, an alleged Russian spy. Last month, he pled guilty to attempting to infiltrate the GOP's political circles and to influence relations between the United States and Russia before and after the presidential election. 2016.

The newspaper says that in addition to Butina, the trip was organized with the help of David Keene, former NRA president linked to alleged espionage. According to the Times, the ANR is trying to stand out from the trip after it became apparent that Butina was involved in this trip. A person who answered the phone when CNN attempted to contact Keene addressed questions to the ANR.

In a statement to CNN, ANR attorney said that CEO and Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, had encouraged people not to participate in the trip. became aware of its details. LaPierre prohibited the staff members from attending the trip at that time and ANR President, Allan Cors, agreed not to attend.

"When he became aware of the details of the trip, Wayne personally opposed it," said William A. Brewer III, a partner at Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors and NRA Council. "In order for the group to not be seen as representing the ANR, Wayne talked about this trip to several people, so Mr. Cors agreed not to travel." the ANR who were in Israel trip that preceded the visit to Russia) returned home. "

However, ABC reported Wednesday that emails sent by officials of the NRA and photos taken during the Travel and reviewed by the point of sale "seemed to show that the organization was significantly involved in the planning."

According to ABC, an email sent to the source by an unidentified source indicates that one NRA employee appearing "to help Butina organize her trip for a delegation" comprising a litany of NRA officials, including Keene and the future NRA president, Pete Brownell.

Other e-mails suggest that the organization would cover the travel costs of two members of the trip and provide official "gifts" to the NRA that visitors could offer to their guests, depending on the point of sale .

A photo published by ABC would have been posted on Facebook by "one of Butina's firearms enthusiasts", who would show the so-called Russian spy alongside group members and a red sign sporting the logo of the NRA and the words "Welcome to Russia" comrades (sic). "

ABC also stated that another Butina associate had referred to the" official "trip in a Facebook publication about it.

" The delegation of the world's largest social organization For proponents of arms, the National Rifle Association USA (The NRA) made an official visit to Moscow and met supporters of the "Right to Arms" movement, translates the message. Russian, read, according to ABC.

Katelyn Polantz, Veronica Stracqualursi and Marshall Cohen of CNN contributed to this report.

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