Trump on 2020 Dems: Harris had the "best first game"


  Sen. Kamala Harris speaks to reporters.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) Addresses journalists after announcing her presidential campaign at Howard University, her alma mater, January 21, 2019 in Washington. | Al Drago / Getty Images

President Donald Trump on Thursday said the 2020 Democrats were in power, saying that Senator Kamala Harris was running the best election campaign while continuing to criticize Senator Elizabeth Warren over her Native heritage. .

"I would say the best opening up right now would be Kamala Harris," Trump told the New York Times about the California Democrat. "I would say that in terms of the opening act, I would say it would be her."

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Harris officially announced his campaign last Sunday at a tumultuous gathering in Oakland, California, in front of a crowd of more than 20,000 people. She raised $ 1.5 million in the first 24 hours after entering the field.

But Trump was not so kind to the other Democrats, saying the others were "very flat", without giving names.

The President has long harassed Warren about his previous identity as an American-American, using the pejorative term "Pocahontas". refer to the Massachusetts Democrat. Prior to the mid-term elections, Warren released the results of a DNA test to substantiate his claims, a move criticized by some Native American leaders.

"I think Elizabeth Warren was very seriously hurt with the trap of Pocahontas," Trump said. "I think she was badly hurt, maybe I'm wrong, but I think it was an important role

Warren should formally announce his candidacy on February 9, after forming a committee Presidential exploratory one month ago.

Trump also announced that he would run for a second-term president position the day his re-election campaign announced that he had of $ 23 million in cash by the end of 2018. He also dismissed the idea of ​​a major GOP party challenger, concluding that he enjoyed "excellent party support." "

". I like this job, "he said.

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