Putin's words on Russia's right to respond to religious conflicts in neighboring countries are explained in the Kremlin – Politics


The spokesman of the President of the Russian Federation stressed again that the "civil war" was going on in Donbass.

The Kremlin declared that the way Russia "protects the rights of the faithful on the territory of neighboring countries" depends on Ukraine "

.] What is it? said Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on Putin's comments that Russia "reserves the right to respond to threats of violation of the right to freedom of religion in neighboring countries" written by TASS

] "Not only in Ukraine, wherever it is, because freedom of religion is part of the rights of the people and," he said.

At the same time, in response to the question of clarification, will Russia defend human rights "as in Donbass and Crimea," said Peskov, "it depends on Ukraine, where it will be implemented [свобода віросповідання].

"The Donbass is a civil war and Crimea is a normal religion, as everywhere in Russia, Russia is a multinational and multi-faith state," Putin's spokeswoman said.

Recall that on January 5, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signed Tomos which granted independent status to the Orthodox. erkvi Ukraine, whose creation was announced at the Cathedral of 15 December unity, here 2018. According to Bartholomew, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, indulging in autocephaly, has imposed itself on millions Ukrainian faithful as a true mother church, unlike their "mother-in-law". On January 6, a historic event took place: the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanes of Istanbul was handed over to Tomos .

Until then, the Council of Unity was held on December 15. Representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the head of the UOC Kyiv Patriarchate and the UAOC, as well as the Metropolitan Patriarchate UOC-Moscow, Simeon and Alexander, were also present. After the vote, Epiphanius became the Metropolitan of Kiev and all of Ukraine during the Cathedral. In turn, the Metropolitan of UOC-MP Onufri lost his status. According to the decision of the Verkhovna Rada, the UOC MP himself must be renamed Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine .

After holding the cathedral in different regions of Ukraine, parishes began to move from UOC-MP to CPCU. Follow the conversion process on our interactive map.

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