The end of the world on February 1: what prophesied the Earth


The world was panicked when the news of the network appeared that on February 1, the collision of the Earth with a huge asteroid of two kilometers in diameter could mark the end of the world.

Conspirators based on the prophecy of the blessed Moscow Matron confirmed The danger comes from the 2002 asteroid NT7, reports referring to the "Navigator"

. In addition, he was made aware of the exact time of the likely end of the world. It should be noted that the collision can take place at 11:47 am on February 1st.

Scientific opinions on this topic were divided.

The State University of Tomsk said that the disaster was impossible, as this asteroid had already passed near the Earth at a distance of 61 million euros. km January 13, 2019.

"According to data from 2002, the probability of a collision of NT7 with the Earth on February 1, 2019 was actually detected.The object having a diameter of more than 1.4 km, the scientists actively observed, allowed to exclude not only the collision but even a rapprochement with the Earth, "said Associate Professor Tetyana Galushin.

A terrible prophecy has been forgotten at NASA. The asteroid was removed from the list of dangerous objects in 2002 as soon as it was detected, as stated in the official press release of the agency.

However, according to the terms of the matron of Moscow, they envisage a new threat. The precursor warned against another celestial body that could destroy all living things.

This is an asteroid Apophis, approaching the Earth at a dangerous distance of 38,000 kilometers in April 2029 and facing it in 2068. The diameter of the celestial body is 325 meters and its weight is 50 million tons. The likelihood of a disaster with Apophis has been confirmed at the University of St. Petersburg.

In the comments of TVTS.RU, the Director General of the Global Defense Center, Anatoly Zaitsev, said that a danger could be observed at any time. He also suggested a way to escape the fall of Apophis.

"One of the options is simply to fly and hit an asteroid." With modern technology, the mass of the spacecraft capable of flying up to it will reach several tons. that the asteroid flew over the Earth ", – said Zaitsev

The myths also solved is also a leading researcher of the Institute of Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences of Russia Alexander Bagrov "I usually know that asteroids do not fall on Earth, they only serve to" scare "the population. For some tens of thousands of years, nothing has been the same, "he said.

NASA got a snapshot of" Space Man. "PHOTO) .

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