The United States promised Hungary to press Ukraine to discuss national minority languages ​​- the media


The United States has shifted Hungary's support to its controversy between the state and Ukraine. This dispute concerns the provisions of the Ukrainian Law on the Teaching of the Language of National Minorities

. The diplomatic telegram sent to Budapest by the Hungarian ambassador to Washington, Laszlo Sabo, describes the project of the Hungarian liberal journalist Direkt36.

Read also: Poland was informed of how to resolve a "linguistic" dispute between Ukraine and Hungary

The telegram details the discussions between the Deputy Minister of Economy and Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Levente Madyar, and Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs and E case Wess Mitchell. This conversation took place on December 18, 2018.

In the case of Ukraine, the US side now subscribes to the position of Hungary on the nationalistic attitude of Ukraine and on the dangerous precedent that can create his law on education
as follows:

Mitchell recognizes the legitimate objection of Hungary to the law on the education of minorities in Ukraine and states that the United States constantly raise the issue in front of the Ukrainian side.

"He said he hoped the Ukrainian government would yield soon." A senior official The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade also told the director that Ukrainians had recently appeared more constructive in negotiations with the government. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peter Siiyarto ", says the newspaper.

However, the Hungarian and American diplomacy is far from a total agreement on the Ukrainian problem. . Mitchell complained to Madyar that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban had described Ukraine as a "buffer state".

Read also: Why does Hungary run up against Ukraine and its neighbors: the explanation of the ambassador

According to Mitchell, he believes that "l & # 39; "fundamental interest" of Hungary lies in the fact that Ukraine becomes part of the West and that Ukraine can be an example of the fact that "a small state can establish its political independence vis-à-vis Russia ".

What is the conflict between Ukraine and Hungary? Disputes between states have been going on for more than a year. They broke out because of the law on education passed in Ukraine in the autumn of 2017. One of the articles of the law states that in Ukraine, children from families belonging to minorities will only be able to study in their mother tongue in elementary schools. And from the 5th year, the entire learning process will take place in Ukrainian, while minority languages ​​will only be studied as an object.

In this article of the law, the Budapest official found violations of the rights of the Hungarian minority. Hungary has blocked meetings as part of Ukraine's cooperation with the European Union and NATO, and has done so many times.

The Ukraine then did so in Hungary and the Cabinet extended the transitional period for the introduction of a "linguistic" article. Minority children have more time to adopt the new rules on subjects taught, since the transition period will last until 2023. However, Hungary has taken such measures.

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