Linguistic scandal: the United States hit Ukraine unexpectedly


The United States will support Budapest in the linguistic conflict between Ukraine and Hungary. This is a controversy caused by changes to the Ukrainian law on education.

This is a reference to the diplomatic telegram from the Hungarian ambassador to Washington, Laszlo Sabo, published in Direkt36. The correspondence focused on the talks between the highest officials of the two countries.

"In the case of Ukraine, the American side is now in agreement with Hungary's position on the nationalist attitude of Ukraine and on the dangerous precedent that can create its law on education, "says the document. [19659002] US Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell reportedly admitted that "Hungary's objection to the law on the education of minorities is legitimate and that the states United constantly raise it in front of the Ukrainian side ".

As OBOZREVATEL wrote in 2018, as a result of new demands of Ukraine regarding language policy in Transcarpathia, a scandal broke out.

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