Drug Detention of Russian Sailors in Cape Verde: Russia First Commented on the Situation


Cape Verde will soon have to sentence 11 Russian sailors suspected of drug trafficking.

As Russian diplomats have said, no charges have yet been brought against the attackers.

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The detainees are now in the premises of the criminal police

The conditions of maintenance are normal, they are provided with all the objects necessary for the daily life of their stay. , are fed three times a day. Their condition is normal, they are in good health, they are in a state of psychological understanding of the event,
– added to the Russian Embassy in Cape Verde.

Local media reports that it is the largest drug confiscation in the country's history.

According to the publication. Rtp, the ship has moved under the banners of Panama, he was arrested on January 31st. The South American ship went to Tangiers in northern Morocco – 260 bales weighing a total of 9.57 tons of cocaine were removed from the ship. ]

Local law enforcement officials explained that the Marine Center for Analysis and Operations had warned them of a suspicious vessel (Anti-Trafficking Platform) of drug, which includes representatives of the seven EU Member States, Channel 24.)

The Santiagomagazine edition adds: that find, delay and resolve ntazhyty law enforcement vessel of the Cape Verde helped the French and Portuguese police.

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