Trump qualifies as "unforgivable" the controversy surrounding the photo of Ralph Northam's phone book


President Trump on Saturday sentenced Virginia Governor Ralph Northam in the midst of the controversy surrounding a racist photo on the page of his medical school yearbook, as well as his comments on a bill on terrorism. Late abortion.

"Democratic Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia just said," I do not think I'm one of the people in this picture. " Trump tweeted . "It was 24 hours after apologizing for appearing on the photo and after making the most horrific statement about a late" super "abortion. Unforgivable! "

Earlier on Saturday, Northam had said at a press conference that he was not listed in the 1984 photo book which depicted a man dressed in blackface and another in a KKK outfit. His remarks were at odds with those he had made a day earlier, when he had apologized for appearing on the photo.

However, he acknowledged Saturday that he had "darkened" his face for another event the same year, while he claimed to have dressed as singer Michael Jackson for a talent show.


Reference to Northam's comments earlier this week about of a controversial abortion bill that, according to a sponsor, could allow women to terminate a pregnancy until the time before birth.

Asked about these words, Northam, a former pediatric neurologist, said that quarterly abortions are performed with "the consent of the mother obviously, with the consent of the physician, several doctors by the way, and this is done in cases where there may be serious malformations It may be that a fetus is not viable. "

" So, in this particular example, if a mother is working, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the baby would be born. The baby would stay comfortable. The child would be resuscitated if this were the wish of the mother and family, then a discussion would take place between the doctors and the mother.

Some conservative commentators and legislators have interpreted Northam's remarks to mean that he was discussing the possibility of allowing a newborn to die – or even kill him on the spot.

BACKLASH PHOTO ANNUCE RALPH NORTHAM: 3 things to know about the governor of Virginia

Northam's office rebuffed, saying his remarks were limited to actions that doctors could undertake in case of "tragic circumstances or difficult ", such as an unsustainable pregnancy or" serious fetal abnormalities. "

Trump, in a follow-up tweet on Saturday, mentioned Ed Gillespie, who had run against Northam in the mid-term elections The president suggested that if Gillespie's team had discovered "this terrible image before the elections," the Republican would have largely outstripped Northam.

"Ed Gillespie, who was a candidate for the Governor of the Grand State of Virginia against Ralph Northam, must now think thoughts of malpractice and breach of duty vis-à-vis his opposition research staff, "said Trump on Twitter . "If they find this picture appalling before the elections, he wins by 20 points!"

After the publication of the photo of the phone book on Friday, Northam asked MPs and officials, including several Democratic candidates for the presidency.


Also among them were Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, as well as Rep. Bobby Scott – legislators of Democratic Virginia – who Saturday released a joint statement calling on the beleaguered governor to "withdraw and allow the Commonwealth to begin to heal".

"After watching his press conference today, we called on Governor Northam to tell him that we no longer believe he can actually serve the governor of the republic. Virginia and he must resign, "the statement said. "Governor Northam has faithfully served the people of the Commonwealth for many years, but the events of the past 24 hours have inflicted tremendous pain and irrevocably shattered the trust Virginians have in their leaders."

Adam from Fox News Shaw, Alex Pappas, Mike Emanuel and Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

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