The homeland of the famous Ukrainian singer was entertained in the sauna – news ZIK.UA


"Again naked": The family of the famous Ukrainian singer entertained in the bath

Who did not hear – more precisely, did not see – there is not so for a long time, the marriage of Sergei and Snizhani Babkin was impressed by his next franchise. No, there is not even a picture of the style "Adam and Eve" for the anniversary of the wedding. Special on the baptism, the pair of stars appeared naked in the snowstorm.

It was such an awesome moment that they decided to capture the love of Instagram lover.

Well, the fans enjoyed such an extravagant step towards the meeting – repeated the celebrities. Now also with their children. Do not think of pornography. The family only refreshed themselves after a hot sauna in the February frosts.

"Go to the bath", – commented the musician on his official Instagram page, with humor and negativity,

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