Epiphany, the chief of the UCP, was intercepted – News from the public


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The induction ceremony was held in Sofia, Kiev

  Epiphany became a full protector of the local Orthodox Church of Ukraine / UNIAN

Epiphany became a full-fledged primate of the local Orthodox Church of Ukraine / UNIAN

A memorial ceremony was held. throne) of the primate of the Orthodox (19659005) Read also It is difficult to predict when the CCP will recognize other local churches – Epiphanes

According to the UNIAN correspondent, the enthronement took place during the divine liturgy.

In particular, metropolitan Galski Emmanuel of the Ecumenical Patriarch, Metropolitan Macarius (former head of the UAOC) and Metropolitan Simeon (former representative of the UOC deputy) alternately placed the Metropolitan Epiphanes on the throne with the exclamation "Axios" (worthy, dignified).

and high signs predstoyatelskoho dignity. Panagia (a small image of Our Lady) was raised by Metropolitan Yuriy (Kalyshchuk), who heads the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada under the banner of the Omkhor Ecumenical Patriarchate; the second Panagia was erected by the metropolitan Anthony under the omophore of Constantinople.

The right to wear the second panagia – the primacy privilege of local churches.

After wearing these church symbols, the entrance is complete and the Metropolitan Epiphanian becomes complete. Another primate of the local Orthodox Church of Ukraine

UNIAN reference, December 15 Council of Representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches for unity, elected Metropolitan of Pereyaslavl and Bila Tserkva. In Istanbul, the universal patriarch Bartholomew presented the conditions of granting autocephaly to the CPU to his predecessor, the Metropolitan of Kiev and all of Ukraine Epiphanes.

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