In Russia, the bus crossed with children killed seven people (video) – news of the world


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at 11:55 am, February 03, 2019



A car transports a children's dance group from the city of Yartsevo, Smolensk region

  In Russia, there was a terrible accident / Screenshot - Youtube, novelty (video - Mash) "src =" "title =" In Russia, there was a terrible accident / Screenshot - Youtube, novelty (video - Mash) "/> 

<p> In Russia, a terrible accident / screenshot – Youtube, novelty (video – Mash) </p>
<p>  In Kaluga (Russia), as a result of an accident, a bus carrying a children's dance team has been shot, causing the death of at least seven people </p>
<p><span class= Read also In Kiev, a taxi According to the Telegram Channel Mash, there were 41 people in the bus: 16 adults and 25 children, as a result of the accident, several passengers were clogged on a bus

A car for a dance group for children from the town of Yartsevo, in the Smolensk region, with children rushed to their parents' home.

According to recent data, doctors confirm information on seven deaths, including four children. Some passengers are still stranded by the bus and some are in critical condition.

Previously, a large-scale accident in the region of Odessa had been reported. 1 person died and 14 wounded.

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