Metropolitan Epiphanes spoke of the salaries of priests


  Epiphanes talk about the lives of priests for money
Metropolitan Epiphanius describes the salaries of priests. Photo:

The Orthodox Church of Ukraine is funded by the donations of the faithful, as well as by funds from the purchase of candles and ordered needs. "Radio Liberty."

According to him, the churches of the Kyivan Patriarchate have never received support from the state, so they must independently find philanthropists in Ukraine and abroad to support their activities.

ALSO READ: Epiphanius: Cursed from the Priest's Mouth – n

"We are not civil servants, unlike the system in place in the Greek Orthodox Church in Greece." This is a unique example because the Church and the State are united and not separate, the Constitution of Ukraine, the Church and the State are separated from each other, perhaps there will be richer parishes If we go to a district, even in the Kyiv region, we will see that the priest will virtually survive, and he has no possibility of surviving even because of his arrival. he runs a kind of economy, he is engaged in some activities to feed his family, "- said Epiphanes.

At the same time, Epiphanes said that there were enough priests in Ukraine, but the problem is that the community can not hold

Today, February 3, the Metropolitan Epifaniyu (Sergiy Dumenko), chief of the CPU, celebrates his 40th birthday. That day, at St. Sophia Cathedral, during the service, he went down solemnly to the throne of the head of the church. f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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