Maduro linked the risk of civil war to "the aggression of the northern empire" – news on UNN


KYIV. February 3rd. UNN. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has estimated the likelihood that the political conflict in Venezuela will become a civil war. According to him, this "depends on the level of madness and aggressiveness of the northern empire". Clearly, Maduro meant the United States. The president said in an interview with the television channel La Sexta UNN .

He also noted that the people were already ready and armed. "People are already armed, and if there is a conflict at the local, regional or national level, people know where to go, they know what to do, they are able to defend, and that's what we call war. of all peoples, "said the president of Venezuela.

On February 2, Maduro ordered the inclusion of members of the national militia in the country's armed forces and to give them access to the armed forces. "I ordered the militia to be part of the officers and soldiers of our glorious National Armed Forces.If we want peace, let us prepare to protect it!", He announced.

Bolton reminds the command of the Venezuelan Armed Forces to go to opposition.

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