extraterrestrial life is more likely than we thought


Modern assumptions "underestimate nature".

The first assistant to NASA's Chief of Science Missions, Thomas Zurbuhhen, who has held this position since 2016, studied at Boston University and answered questions from employees and students, Ukr.Media informs.

In a series of responses, Zurbuhan shared his perspective on the possibility of an extraterrestrial life and clarified when, in his opinion, the first expedition on Mars would take place with the participation of astronauts .

In answer to the question of which solution he would like to see in his life, scientist in dpoviv

"Is there a life beyond the Earth? I think the answer is yes, but now we do not know it. The reason I think it's simple: all the time before, we underestimated nature. For example, when assumptions have been made about the presence of water or molecular complexes outside our planet. It has turned out that all this is enough, just go beyond the threshold. Let's take at least the polar craters of Mercury. As for the chain of life … Well, life is somewhere more likely than we thought.

He also stated that he would no longer fly personally in space because his sending people to Mars.According to him, the expedition should take place in the middle of the third decade of the twenty-first century.The scientist believes that the team should not exceed eight people, but a discussion more detailed should be postponed to a date close to the date set.

Meanwhile, the March study has already begun.The US Space Agency recently announced that the Marshall Curiosity, which had explored the Gail crater had uncovered new details about the origins of Mount Eolide.

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