Putin will revive the terrible weapons of the USSR


Russia intends to create a new missile defense weapon in response to the withdrawal of the United States from the treaty on the elimination of medium and short-range missiles.

The editor-in-chief of Arsenal's homeland, Viktor Murakhovsky, has not ruled out the creation of a hyperson missile at medium range, reports RIA Novosti. It can be achieved on the basis of the Pioneer RS-10 missile, which was removed from the USSR after the adoption of the DRSMD.

"We have all the scientific and technical potential for this: despite the fact that it was developed in the Soviet era – All the institutes and companies that participated in its creation were based in Russia "said the expert.

Other experts suggest that a medium-range hypersonic missile can be created on the basis of the Kinzhal complex.

According to the data. Kommersant publication after the transfer of the missile "Caliber-NK" Landing, its radius of action will be 2.6 thousand kilometers. A hypersonic missile can be created on the basis of a 3M22 "Zircon" rocket.


Rocket "Pioneer"


As reported by OBOZREVATEL, the Navy of the Russian Federation had a powerful new weapon, the visual. Optical interference 5P-42 "Filin". This system is able to dazzle an opponent and cause him hallucinations, so that a soldier does not see the target.

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