Viber: a popular messenger changes interface


An update of Viber 10 will be available for download on the App Store or Google Play in the coming days

A popular update from Viber has just released a major release of version 10 One of the main innovations is a brand new interface simplifying the use of the program. In addition, developers have accelerated the sending of messages twice and improved the protection of personal information, according to Ukr.Media.

"We've done large-scale testing of the program, so we think that in the new version of Viber, messenger users around the world will be able to take advantage of the simplest software." The new version of Viber 10 allows users to interact easily without worrying about the protection of personal data.We hope users will appreciate the update, Viber 10 is an important step in the development of the Mass. Nger ", – said Jamel Agua, CEO of Viber.

The new Viber interface simplifies the orientation of the application, making it easier to access various functions. Yes, all personal and group chats, chat robots and the community will now be available in the main dialog box. In the separate tab, the latest calls, contact list and Viber Out calls have been added.

Developers have added chat room support with hidden numbers – this allows you to chat in a messenger without swapping phone numbers. In this case, the user can be sure that when communicating with strangers in the communities, he is not likely to give personal data. For the beginning of the correspondence, simply copy the user name, for example from the list of participants to the chat.

Group calls to Viber allow five users to be called simultaneously. You can do this by connecting the other party to the current call or creating another and adding participants. Now these calls are only available in audio format, but video clicks will appear later. There will also be an increase in the number of group voice callers.

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