Poroshenko commented on the "Saidik plan" concerning Donbass – News from politics


The President emphasized that the implementation of the Minsk Agreements provided for the restoration of sovereignty and the Ukrainian authorities in the territory of the occupied Donbass.

  Poroshenko is ready to consider any project concerning Donbass if it does not harm the sovereignty of Ukraine / UNIAN

Poroshenko is ready to consider projects for Donbass, s & # 39; they are not shocked The sovereignty of Ukraine / UNIAN

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, commented on the Donbass Plan proposed by the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairmanship in Ukraine and by the tripartite contact group Martin Saydik, pointing out that the Minsk agreements already provide for a plan to resolve the situation in the occupied territories temporarily

the head of state said during the broadcast "Freedom of expression" on the ICTV channel

"We are ready to consider any project without prejudice to sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence ezhnosti our country, I want to stress that the plan (the regulation of the situation in the Donbass – UNIAN) is defined in the Minsk agreements, namely that the Minsk agreements are based on sanctions against the Russian Federation and is currently preparing a set of sanctions in connection with the aggression in the Strait of Kerch in the Azov-Black Sea Basin, "- he said commenting on the proposals of the OSCE representative.

See also MinTOT: Saydik's proposals can not be formally discussed at all

The President pointed out that the Minsk Agreements could not in any circumstances be the subject of subject of a formal discussion.

Poroshenko pointed out that the implementation of the Minsk agreements provided for the restoration of sovereignty and the Ukrainian authorities in the territory of the occupied Donbas.

Poroshenko pointed out that the implementation of the Minsk agreements provided for the restoration of sovereignty and the Ukrainian authorities in the territory of the occupied Donbas. The President said that, to secure the security aspect, he proposed to use the UN peacekeeping contingent in 2015

"In 2018-2019, we already have the support of the United States, Britain and France, at least negotiations on the non-implementation of China's veto right. "Who is against?" The aggressor country is the Russian Federation ", he said.

"Many projects are possible, but UN peacekeepers will not be an OSCE observer mission. Peacekeepers must create peace and have a mandate of responsibility throughout the occupied territory. The presence of peacekeepers means the disarmament of illegal armed groups, the withdrawal of foreign troops and the provision of an element of security, "said Poroshenko, adding that" I think Mr. Saidik is enough to read and support it, I advise it. "

[19459006[Lirelasuite] Saydik peace plan legitimizes RDP and LNR – Chernysh

As reported by UNIAN, January 28, Saidik announced a plan to resolve the situation in Donbas with the joint participation of the OSCE and the UN.The OSCE Special Representative stressed the need to sign a new document of the leaders of the According to him, it is expected that Ukraine and the Russian Federation will conclude an agreement which should then be approved by parliaments.

Saydik said that it was of an interaction between the UN and the OSCE under the joint leadership of a representative, the so-called special representative. In addition, the European Union plans to organize a reconstruction and rehabilitation agency on an example of what already exists in the Balkans.

He announced the proposal to create a transitional administration of the United Nations in Donbass, which will ensure not to restrict, but to ensure respect for the rights of the local population. This will also include the question of amnesty.

Saydik also noted that "the Minsk agreements clearly state that the representatives of the so-called districts of Donetsk and Luhansk will participate and be heard in the process (settlement)". "We assume that this should be the same even after the approval of the overall agreement," Saydik added.

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