What to watch for in the state of the Union


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From Jonathan Allen

WASHINGTON – Midway through his tenure, Democrats vying for the right to invest 39 Try to overthrow him in 2020, President Donald Trump In his annual State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Trump will speak in his annual speech on the state of the nation. 39; Union.

It is an opportunity for Trump to set his agenda for the year and the following years – to tell the story of his presidency as far as he is preparing for a new campaign.

He will do it at a time that seems to call for a presidential rotation. Trump has just been subject to a five-week partial government shutdown that he had once promised to be "proud" of forcing, in what turned out to be an unfortunate attempt to gain weight over congressional Democrats in its attempt to build a wall on the US Border with Mexico

Despite continued economic growth, its approval ratings have increased over the past decade. recent weeks and have dropped by less than 40% in many surveys.

With all this in the background, he will for the first time approach a joint session of Congress in which one of the two chambers – the House – is under the control of rival democrats. His relations with them, already tense, deteriorated during the closure, to the point that President Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Forced him to defer the state of the Union until the end of the day. At the reopening of closed federal agencies.

The administration promised Trump deliveries to bipartisanship – but there are also signs that he plans to launch rotundas.

Here are at least five questions that will likely be answered when Trump approaches the House stand Tuesday night.

Bipartisan – or only partisan

Last week, an administration official who viewed the president's speech to the press said that Mr. Trump would ask Republicans and congressional Democrats to work with him in a bipartisan way in order to achieve common goals for the country.

The only excerpt published by his speech: "Together we can break decades of political impasse, we can overcome old divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions and unlock Another Promise of the Future of America: We Must Make this Decision. "

Two days later, Trump's campaign sent an email to his supporters who were tearing up the Democrats.

"Since the beginning of our incredible movement, the Democrats have been against us, and over the last few weeks, they have become obstructionist and radical to a whole new UN-AMERICAN level," reads in the email. in the name of Trump. "They initially REFUSED to place the Americans' security at our southern border above their political interests, and then they prevented me from speaking to the state. from the Union of people at the initial date. "

Trump will discuss a host of issues on which there is common ground between the parties, including some improvements to be made. border security, transportation costs and lower drug prices. But it would be surprising that he does not take a few hits on the Democratic side of the room.

An endless war or an end to wars?

Trump has beaten the foreign policy establishment in Washington on his plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Syria

Most Republicans and many Democrats in Senate voted against "precipitous withdrawal" from one or the other country, but the Democratic president Leading candidates found themselves alongside Trump – even though they disapproved of his methods and its alleged motives – on the fundamental principle of reducing the American presence on both fronts.

Tuesday's speech is an opportunity for him to express his point of view directly to the Congress.

"We have been fighting very well for 19 years," he said of the war in Afghanistan in an interview with CBS broadcast this weekend. "We are fighting harder than ever before, and I think they will – I think they are tired and I think everyone is tired, we have to come out of these endless wars and bring back our people at home. "

A new plan on immigration?

Trump's efforts to rewrite immigration laws collapsed in Congress. He did not receive money for the wall that he promised to build. It has failed to pass new laws to crack down on illegal immigration. And he has not been able to rethink legal immigration programs to limit the number of migrants and the criteria for allowing them to enter the country.

The biggest hurdle is the wall that Trump insisted on and could not secure funding for, even when his own party controlled both houses of Congress.

An administration official hinted on Friday that Trump could expose his vision of an agreement.

"The President will certainly talk about immigration". the official said. "He's going to talk about the status of this debate and he'll try to set the course."

Mary Kate Cary, speech writer for President George HW Bush, said that since Trump very often talks to the public via his Twitter account and his frequent improvised remarks, he could use the state of the art. Union differently – "to speak directly to the Democratic leaders of Congress who are in the room about an agreement on border security and DACA," the Obama era program offering protection against expulsion to immigrants illegally admitted to the United States as children.

What will the reaction of the Democrats be – and how much will it show?

On Monday, a handful of Democrats announced that they would not participate in the speech. For those who sit in the chamber – especially those who are running for president – their eyes in the press gallery above the House Chamber and watching at home will be informed of their reactions to the key phrases of the House. Trump speech.

they were asked why they chose to stand, applaud, sit or roll at certain times.

And in the spirit of the representative Joe Wilson, RS.C., infamous "You lie!" Unchained during President Barack Obama's speech at a joint session of Congress, there is always a chance for someone on the Democratic side to decide to express an opinion in the middle of the speech. Keep an eye on the rascals of the freshman class to find out how Trump will be received.

After doing so, Stacey Abrams, who lost a tight race to Georgia's leadership last year, will issue the Democratic Responsible Response to the state of Georgia. Union. Vermont-independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who is considering a second Democratic presidential bid, is expected to give his own answer to Trump.

Watch the watchers

Traditionally, the President invites a series of guests whose presence is designed to highlight the points that he will make in his speech. Usually, he will pause during his remarks to recognize them and acknowledge their stories.

Trump's guest list, published by the White House Monday night, includes family members from a Reno couple in Nev. Prosecutors claim to have been murdered by an undocumented immigrant; criminals released by presidential pardon and signed by the recent law on the rehabilitation of criminal justice rehabilitated by Trump; an officer from the Department of Homeland Security who deals with human trafficking cases; and the survivors of last year's synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh.

Although lawmakers do not have the same platform, they often use their spare tickets to defend their own political arguments. For Democrats this year, guests will include Americans affected by immigration, government closures, gun violence and president's fees, among other things: an attempt to send a message without saying a word.

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