A new version of the death Decl I UNIAN appeared


This material is available in Russian

at 11:05 am, February 05, 2019



Even one of the last reports of the artist was sent to the Kremlin leadership.

  Decl died at the age of 35 years / Photo: Twitter

Decl died at the age of 35 / Photo: Twitter

Yes, one of the supporters drew attention to the fact that Cyril Tlumatsky regularly criticized the Russian authorities in general and Putin in particular. Even one of the last reports of the artist In the direction addressed to the leaders of the Kremlin.

"He criticized the authorities both in music and in the media.I am not referring, I just want to remind you that in the KGB of the USSR (where Putin was coming from ), there was a practice of killing poisons that were not defined in the exams and that resembled death from natural causes, "writes Maxim Mirovich.

  false "src =" https: //images.unian.net/photos/2019_02/1549357150-9996.png?0.047466889467686624 "title =" false "/> </div>
<div class=  false" src = "https: // images .unian.net / photos / 2019_02 / 1549357151 -5480.png? 0.08541224752359589 "title =" false "/> </div>
<p>  Fans of the artist think that this version seems very plausible in the current Russian context. </p>
<div class=  false "src =" https://images.unian.net/ pictures / 2019_02 / 1549357236-4746.png? 0.16096660437437427 "title =" false "/> </div>
<p>  According to the UNIAN report, where Kell died on the night of February 3, after speaking in front of the Izhevsk" Posh "club. was only 35. The first cause of death of a musician called a cardiac arrest.Decl became famous in the early 2000s. </p>
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