Who blocked the shipment of Venezuelan gold to Russia? – Fox News


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro could not pay gold to Russia because of pressure from the United States and Western Europe

"Venezuelan authorities n & # 39; 39 have not materialized their plan to eliminate 20 tons of gold from the country – under the international pressure of President Nicolas Maduro "They demand not only to pass on power to the transitional government, but also to preserve the State assets, "writes Fox News political commentator Luis Cassiano, in his article" The withdrawal plan of nearly one million dollars from Venezuela has been suspended. "

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A journalist looks like a chronology of events:

At the Central Bank of Venezuela, bullion Gold valued at around 850 million dol The lars were weighed and separated from the rest of the gold reserves. On January 29, it was announced that the gold would have been prepared to be shipped to Russia by a carrier arrived in Caracas a day earlier. On February 1, a Russian plane left the country. But there is gold left.

Russia is the main funder of the Maduro government (alongside Turkey and China). The nomination of bullion that has been postponed (they represent 20% of the country's gold reserves) is unknown. But the blocking of the alleged shipment took place a week after the Bank of England rejected Maduro's request to surrender $ 1.2 billion in gold.

The British stole gold stored at the Bank of England, then vice president of the Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado. Cabello – The imperial leaders must know that we will never give up!

The Caracas and London gold reserves are important to the well-being of Venezuela because, under the reign of Maduro, the country has experienced a sharp decline in its economy, the lack of basic necessities and the rise of inflation. Reserves of the Central Bank of Venezuela have fallen to about $ 8 billion.

Financial assets and gold are very important factors in the confrontation between Maduro and Huang Guaido, the president of the National Assembly, who, we recall, declared himself president by interim. The United States and other Western countries have recognized Guadido as the leader of Venezuela. He adds that state means can be used to solve the humanitarian situation in the country, notes Cassiano.

The author concludes: "The United States has taken a firm stand with regard to the Maduro regime, particularly by imposing sanctions on the Venezuelan oil company PDVSA, blocking the export Guayido, on the other hand, received support – he would be given control over Venezuela's holdings in the New York Federal Reserve.

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