Klimkin: At the end of a missile treaty, Russia embarked on an arms race, but Ukraine will respond worthy – News from the Politics


The head of the Foreign Ministry stressed that Ukraine would decide for itself what it will need for missiles in the future.

  According to Klimkin, the situation with the agreement on the RCDD changes the calculations for the photo Ukraine / UNIAN

According to Klimkin, the situation with the contract on RSMD changes the calculations for Ukraine / photo by UNIAN

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin stressed that Ukraine faces new challenges with the violation of the Russian treaty on the elimination of medium and small missiles [19659005] said the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the show Voice of America "Chas: time" on Channel 5.

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The head of the Department of Foreign Affairs today said he met with John Bolton, adviser to the President of the United States for National Security, with whom not many questions had been discussed. , and in particular with regard to the liquidation contract This medium and short-range missile

"The fact that Russia has been violating this agreement for years because of the location of the missiles we already know and of its launches – this usually changes the direction of arms control.In the beginning, Russia destroyed the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.If this treaty existed, could it be the same with regard to weapons? occupation of Crimea and the occupation of Donbass? My answer – it would be more complicated, "said Klimkin

The Minister also pointed out that the situation regarding the DRSMD changes the calculations for Ukraine." We must use everything to protect ourselves, Russia's logic is not to protect Russia, but to use security as a commodity in the relevant market, so this Russian behavior has led to logic of the arms race. This is of course because other partners will do it. And in this situation, Ukraine will face new challenges. And we must respond duly, because we have the experience, we have the necessary information and we must protect our country, "said Klimkin.

He was also asked if he was considering taking that in consideration the beginning of the production of such weapons in Ukraine. "We already have potential in the field of missile weapons, and we will decide what missiles we will need in the future," said Klimkin [19659005HouseofRepresentativesTomorrowFebruary6hewillparticipateintheinternationalindigenouscoalitionconferencetofighttheterroristorganization"IslamicState"andmeetattheUSDepartmentofState

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As reported US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, has declared the 4 dece 2018 in the United States that the United States had asked Russia for a 60-day ultimatum for the resumption of the work of the Duma Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which have developed and put to the test since the middle new missile. The RF system "Novator 9M729", which allows launching cruise missiles at excessive distances prohibited by the treaty. The United States came to the conclusion that Russia had substantially violated this treaty and decided to suspend its DRSMD obligations as a means of protection in response to the actions of the Russian Federation.

After the extension of the ultimatum, US President Donald Trump said he had not done so. that Russia's nuclear potential exceeds the potential of the civilized world and announced that the United States would begin the six-month withdrawal of the DRSMD on 2 February.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia's reaction to the withdrawal of the United States from the DRSMD would be reflected and that Moscow participating b in the contract.

UNIAN. The Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate Range Missiles between the USSR and the United States was signed on December 8, 1987. The document aims to promote the defense of the United States and its allies in Europe and the United States. in the Far East. It prohibits the United States and Russia from stockpiling, manufacturing and using surface-mounted cruise missiles ranging in radius from 300 to 3,400 miles.

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