The Hubble telescope opened the smallest known galaxy: photos and videos


The Hubble Orbital Telescope accidentally discovered the smallest of all known galaxies. "Crumb" was called Bedin 1 and could be a distant companion to the spiral galaxy NGC 6744.

Astronomers discovered a new galaxy by observing the ballistic star group NGC 6752 located at 13,000 years -light of the Earth. According to scientists, the dwarf galaxy only formed 700 million years after the Big Bang.

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This galaxy looks more like a globular cluster of stars than a "stellar metropolis" in its own right. Apparently, he trained during a very brief and powerful outbreak. Since then, there is no new light in,
– note the researchers.

  Bedin 1
Bedin 1 is a thousand times darker than the Milky Way

By the way, Bedin Galaxy 1 is more emaciated in the Milky Way about a thousand times. Astronomers do not exclude that it is a companion remote from the spiral galaxy NGC 6744.

A trip to the galaxy Bedin 1 – see the video

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