State of the Union 2019: Participants sing "Happy Birthday" for a Holocaust survivor


An impromptu song "Happy Birthday" could be one of the most memorable moments of President Donald Trump's speech on the state of the Union on Tuesday night.

President and First Lady, Melania Trump, invited Judah Samet as a guest for the speech. . Samet is a Holocaust survivor who also escaped mass shooting in the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue in October 2018. Tuesday is also Samet's 81st birthday. The House chamber then sang a song when Trump spoke about it during his speech.

The roar of the "happy birthday" on the floor of the house stood out as one of the few truly unifying – and moving – moments in Trump's speech. The President smiled and imitated the conductor's baton while Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined the singing.

"They would not do that for me," Trump joked after the song ended.

The president introduced Samet after swearing to face the "despicable poison of anti-Semitism … where it's happening." 19659006] The president then pays tribute to two survivors of the shooting of the synagogue of the Tree of Life, perpetrated by an armed man motivated by anti-Semitism. The first winner was Timothy Matson, a SWAT officer and first responder who was hit seven times. Samet

"[Samet] arrived at the synagogue at the beginning of the massacre," said Trump. "But not only did Judah escape death last fall – more than seven decades ago – he also survived the Nazi concentration camps. . "Suddenly, the train stopped," Trump said. "A soldier has appeared. The family of Judah was preparing for the worst. Then his father shouted with joy: "It's the Americans!" "

Lawmakers singing" Happy Birthday "in unison were, in a way, a tribute to what Samet had overcome. As Samet said on Monday at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Trump "invited me," I was told, because I have represented two of the greatest tragedies experienced by the Jewish people in the last hundred years.

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