Chuck Schumer: Trump's speech was "political, confrontational, calculating, sometimes even mean"


"Well, there is not much nice to say about it," Schumer told CNN's John Berman, New Day. "I think (Democratic response from) Stacey Abrams showed the President what the real leadership was tonight, she was thoughtful, thoughtful."

"You know, you can not talk about comity and work together to make a speech that is so divisive that it just does not fly," added the New York Democrat.

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The Speaker's speech, delivered Tuesday night in the House of Commons Chamber at a divided convention, focused on a range of policy areas he hoped to work with Congress, including his border wall project, drug prices, and infrastructure. from the country. On Wednesday, however, Schumer ignored Trump's hope of working with congressional Democrats on the issues he was highlighting.

"So in the areas where he tried to reach out, you know – price of drugs, transport, infrastructure – there was no meat, there was no d & # 39; "Enthusiasm." "All enthusiasm was for parties that divide like immigration, abortion, so it was not a good speech," he said, adding that he did not believe that Trump was able to "make a truly bipartisan speech and start working with us".

Schumer said congressional Democrats wanted to work with their Republican counterparts to create a border security agreement that would appeal to both parties. This task is being implemented by negotiators from both sides before a possible new government closure when current funding for parts of the government runs out in mid-February.
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"We are ready to ensure the security of We've always tried to be bipartisan, we've tried to work with our Republican colleagues, and when the president does not get involved, we do it, "he said. declared.

"I believe, John, if the president stays out of this, we will get an agreement, a good deal that all – Democrats and Republicans, House and Senate, can support." That's when the president hands heavy, his unrealistic heavy hand – he does not know how to negotiate – that things get ruined.So, if he stays out of it, yes, I believe the odds are very high, we will get an agreement, "Schumer said.

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