State of the Union reactions, GIF


The golf shot was heard by Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, around the world. This was his response to Trump's call for "the unlimited potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good". It seems that the businessman who became president may not have convinced him.

Another big applause from Pelosi, this time with a lock of hair. One of the most delicate places in Washington must be sitting behind the President during the state of the Union, even if it is part of your party, and in particular it is not there.

Another person who did not seem amused by at least part of Trump's speech was Senator Kamala Harris. Harris is one of Trump's 2020 challengers on the left and she seems to think that "setting aside ruthless coyotes, cartels, drug traffickers and human traffickers" is something easier to say that to do.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand almost rolled her eyes to Trump's unemployment statement: "The unemployment rate hit its lowest level in half a century." African-American, Hispanic-American unemployment rates and Asian-American have all reached their lowest level The unemployment rate of disabled Americans has also reached its lowest level: more people are working today, more than ever in our history – 157 million 39, euros. "
You know who got jazzed? These women sitting on the side of the Democrats in the House. Dressed in white suffragette, a large group of women, many of whom are new to Congress, rejoiced when Trump said that a century after women had obtained the right to vote, the Congress counted more than women than ever before.
Trump also participated in the reaction game and conducted an impromptu chorus of "Happy Birthday" for an 81-year-old Holocaust survivor who had attended the speech as a guest. This has shown that no matter what the audience or those at home have thought of the speech, some moments can bring people together.

He is very polite and says thank you. Usually, the first thing I say after people sing me happy birthday is something about their embarrassment (which, for the record, makes it even more embarrassing).

Since the state of the Union this year has been postponed, he has fallen on the lunar new year. Which of course means that Buzz Aldrin, one of the first men on the moon, was there. Basically, the United States began shouting collectively on the moon with Buzz Aldrin.

Stay with me here because it is not so much a GIF document as a silent documentary. I just want to understand what happened to Trump's tie and why it was wrong for the beginning of the speech. Look: it is straight, then it turns to our left and when it turns, it is blocked for no perceptible reason.

Ties had a huge night on Tuesday. Here is Billy Long representative from Missouri having Trump sign his tie.

Let's do it again. Same time next year?

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