As Mueller's investigation ends, House Trump's investigation starts


Now, the latest advances of the special council are beginning to look like the early frustrations of the president.

Democrats in the House, armed with a convening power, announced Wednesday a broader-than-expected investigation into Trump's ties with Russia, Saudi Arabia. and pretty much anywhere else. And criminal probes are digging deeper and deeper into the world's billionaire real estate business that has become president and so is open to scrutiny.

It is therefore not surprising that he offered a glimpse of the inner fury that reigned before the state of the Union. Speech Tuesday night, when a Nixonian couplet was created to warn Democrats on several levels.

"There must be peace and legislation, there can be no war or investigation," said the president. "It just does not work that way."

The tough talks that took place Wednesday between House Democrats and the President offered a taste of a frightful confrontation whose conclusion is almost certain with the conclusion of the investigation into the Mueller case.

Adam Schiff, President of Intelligence in the House, announced Wednesday that he would expand his field of action beyond Russia to examine whether Trump's commercial interests are affecting his foreign policy.

The California Democrat said he would consider any "credible allegation of pressure exerted by Russians, Saudis or any other person".

This revelation came one day after CNN announced for the first time that New York prosecutors wanted to interview him. The Trump Organization executives after opening at least two investigations on Trump-related entities, including possible hidden campaign money-related funding violations Michael Cohen, former Trump's personal attorney, to women

The new interest in Trump's past and present participations confirms one of the worst fears of the president's confidants: that even if Mueller gives him a pass, he faces prolonged exposure and perilous to new investigations that could last for months. A president who has not taken advantage of a free day from the shadow of investigations could potentially be under a legal and political cloud – on broader issues than Russia – for the rest of his mandate.

Trump did not contain his frustration when

"He's just a politician trying to make a name for himself," the president told reporters, adding that Schiff had no "reason" to do".

"This is what is called presidential harassment." Is regrettable. "

Schiff, a former prosecutor, responded with a cutting tweet:" I can understand why the idea Significant oversight frightens the president.Many of his close associates go to jail, others await their trial and criminal investigations. "

He also gave Trump another topic of concern. his committee voting to hand over to Mueller the transcripts of his inquiry into Russia.

The son of the president, Donald Trump Jr .; his son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and campaign assistants Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks.

There is no indication that any of these witnesses have legal problems. But in his indictment against Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, Mueller has already shown no tolerance for lying in Congress.

Trump's New Reality

Trump probably did not think his decision to mention the investigation in the state of the Union – a measure that some commentators politicians had advised against – intimidate the Democrats.

This was nevertheless a revealing comment because it offered a characteristic insight into the state of mind of a president who adores the constitutional restrictions and seems to reject the notion of control exercised by the Congress.

Democrats use this argument to repel Trump's warnings.

"I see this as another example of his misunderstanding of the democratic process," California Karen MP Kate Bolduan, a California Democrat, said.

Not working like that. No, in fact, there are three equal branches of government … it's the new reality to which he will have to get used to. "

Trump's explosions may also indicate that he is beginning to understand the implications of the Chamber's democratic capture – and its investigative powers – in the mid-term elections of November

. This is the first time, in front of a mass audience, that the President has laid the groundwork for a political argument that could be used at any time: Effort of Democratic Destitution or in the 2020 Elections.

He stated that American economic expansion and the high number of jobs created under it would be endangered by any possibility that it is forced or unable to do so.

Trump's warning could also be an early attempt to discredit congressional investigations – and to offer good news to his conservative media friends – in the ego he has defeated the credibility of the Mueller probe. His efforts may not have tainted the special council's reputation with the general public, but they may have misunderstood Mueller's possible conclusions among those most concerned about Trump: his base.

Trump's Defense

Trump May Also

Using the word "legislation", he hinted that the Democrat was trying to use his majority in the House to create a register of new laws to legislate. before next year's voters can melt into the feverish atmosphere of a Washington obsessed with scandal. After all, the president is needed for the bills to be passed.

He could also use this idea to explain to his followers and more moderate voters why it is unlikely that the second half of his term will lead to great legislative victories. Trump is likely to tell voters in 2020 that Democrats were so obsessed with destroying him that they forgot about America's affairs.

The argument would become more powerful if Mueller could not find any fault of the President, even though his probe had already won convictions. and guilty pleas against a number of former Trump associates.

Yet Democrats can oppose their duty to the public, and to their own constitutional role, to investigate whether Trump's business interests and intricacies influence it decisively.

And their offensive investigation, which will involve a number of committees, will bring back the Trump administration layer by layer and will offer exhibitions for its own cause in 2020, according to which the current White House is corrupt and unfit and that Trump should not not be returned to power for a second term.

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