"I'll never let you down," Trump promises at the national prayer breakfast


At his national prayer breakfast in Washington, DC on Thursday, President Trump assured his audience that his government would protect religious freedoms.

"I will never let you down," he told audience President Nancy Pelosi. "I can say that, never."

The president relied heavily on religious conservatives, especially evangelical Christians. His speech comes after he devoted a portion of his speech on the state of the Union to the issue of late abortion, a key issue for many conservative Christians, particularly after the bills in New York and Virginia aimed at easing restrictions on late abortion. The president reiterated his commitment to the pro-life movement on Thursday.

"All unborn and unborn children are made in the holy image of God," Trump said at the prayer breakfast.

million. Trump also spoke of religious persecution abroad, trafficking in human beings and other issues that his government is determined to tackle.

At one point, the President seemed to be slipping into his remarks, although it was unclear whether it was a teleprompter issue, enumerating "l & # 39; 39, abolition of civil rights "among the achievements of the nation carried by communities of faith.

"Since the creation of our nation, many of our greatest advances, ranging from independence to the abolition of civil rights, to the extension of voting for women, have been led by people of faith and began to pray, "said Mr. Trump. I said.

All presidents, since President Dwight D. Eisenhower, attended this annual breakfast, which usually includes members of Congress and foreign dignitaries.

Grace Segers contributed to this report.

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