Jill Abramson accused of plagiarizing her book on ethical journalism


F Jill Abramson, editor-in-chief of the New York Times, touring the media circuit to promote her new book, "The truth merchants: the business of information and the fight against the facts ", has problems that go far beyond his terrible interviewing techniques.

She is accused of having plagiarized huge portions of her book, which paradoxically speaks of ethical journalism.

of Vice News, Michael Moynihan whose newsroom appears unflattering in Abramson's book, was the first to accuse the former editor-in-chief of the theft.

" The three chapters of on Vice were tainted with errors. Many of them. The promised truth in Merchants of Truth was often wrong, "he tweeted. In trying to corroborate certain statements, I noticed that it also contained … plagiarized passages. "

Moynihan provided concrete examples to support his allegations, including: side-by-side comparisons of Abramson's book and works of which he certainly seems to have plagiarized, for example:

Moynihan warned that he had only looked at the passages directly related to Vice. Journalist Ian Frisch also claims to have found examples of plagiarism in Merchants of Truth stating that he knows that the passages in Abramson's book are not original because he wrote:

It is interesting to note that the above examples have been discovered. after only a cursory review of the book Abramson. It may be a lot more where it comes from, and it can get a lot worse for the author.

Abramson, for her part, defended Wednesday against the charges, claiming in an interview with Fox News that she "was certainly not arguing" and that she "did not think that it was a problem. " Merchants of Truth has about 70 pages of footnotes, but the problem with this last statement is that there is nothing in these notes of more than 70 pages that explains the similarities between the contents from his book and the examples highlighted by Moynihan.

It is entirely possible that this episode speaks of an assistant who failed to inform an author of the source of the information provided for his book.It is entirely possible that Abramson Never wanted to include the works of other writers without attribution, and that all this is the result of poor communication between her and the people who helped her write her book. But Abramson does not do any of these defenses. She did not even recognize that portions of her book read note after note as written documents long before she reached a book sales contract. Abramson's response so far has been to assert that the allegations were sour grapes from a newsroom that was unhappy with the way it is described in his book.

"It seems that many Vice people disagree with the book," she told Fox News. "I think they do not like the depiction of Vice."

She later added, in a series of Tweets, that "The attacks on my book of some [Vice News] reflect their dissatisfaction with what I consider to be a balanced representation."

Abramson also stated on social media: "I have tried to correctly and correctly assign the hundreds of sources that are part of my research, I take seriously the issues raised and will review the passages in question."

We are waiting with impatience with the conclusions of his examination.

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