Volker changed his mind about Russian observers


  Volker changed his mind about Russian observers

. Photo: facebook.com/pg/GeneralStaff.ua

Volker approved Kiev's decision not to allow Russian observers.

The US special envoy to Ukraine approved the decision of the Council to ban the Russians watching the presidential elections. Earlier, he said Kiev should allow them.

US Special Representative for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, supported the decision of the Verkhovna Rada to ban Russian citizens from participating in the ODIHR Election Observation Mission of the OSCE.

"We remember that Russia is an aggressor in Ukraine, so Ukraine's security fears are very real," writes the diplomat in Twitter .

Volker also expressed confidence in Ukraine's commitment to transparency and the holding of free and fair elections.

Meanwhile, he said earlier today that Ukraine should allow the Russians to observe the elections.

In Russia, the ban was again condemned.

The Board's decision was also condemned by the President of the ODIHR. "The decision to deny accreditation of citizens of a state has no precedent and is contrary to the commitments made by the OSCE participating states," wrote Ingibierz Solrun Gisladottir, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


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