Congress close to an agreement on fencing at the border, and Trump could take it


H Senate and Nation Negotiators Approaching a Border Security Agreement That Would Fund New Technology, Additional Patrol Officers, and Probably a Closure in Some Zones along the southern border.

There is no mention of a wall in the agreement, by order of the Democratic leaders who oppose it vehemently.

But President Trump seems to be more flexible than the agreement implies, said Senate Supply Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Ala. At a private lunch on Thursday.

"I reported on a meeting with the president and I thought the trajectory was positive for what may be the conclusion of the funding," Shelby said. "But we are not there yet."

Shelby said Thursday afternoon that the next 72 hours would be essential for Democrats and Republicans to reach a long-sought agreement on border security, which would also allow the passage of seven bills of and would provide full government funding by the February 15 deadline.

"We have serious negotiations going on," said Shelby.

The main stumbling block is the amount of money needed to set up border barriers and their appearance.

Democrats seem willing to agree to fund new fences in targeted areas as well as modernize existing barriers, they said in Washington Examiner .

The deal will probably cover fewer kilometers than Trump wishes, and the gates will be much less sturdy than the steel slatted wall that Trump favors.

Shelby would not say if Trump would accept less than the $ 5.7 billion that he claimed for border gates, or a wall, as he calls it. But he hinted that Trump might be willing to reach a price deal.

"This is the most positive meeting I had with him on the numbers," said Shelby. "He seemed to be very reasonable and, I thought, urging us to get a legislative conclusion on this. It is very reasonable but I can not go into details.

Shelby said the agreement would include a three-pronged approach to border security, based on a classified briefing provided to negotiators this week by border security officers.

This would include more of 39, money for technology to improve port security, through which most illicit drugs are transported, additional border security personnel and gates.

"Technology is very important, entry points "The workforce is very important," said Shelby, "but without barriers, nothing will work, we are talking about a comprehensive approach."

Shelby said the negotiators must have completed their work Monday, to allow any legislative agreement to materialize both in the House and in the Senate.

A Temporary Government Funding Bill, signed by Tru mp, was signed in order to give the negotiators the necessary time for the agreement to be concluded one week from Friday.

Republicans are not in the mood to make a second stop. If Trump refuses to sign the agreement, he risks being abandoned by the GOP, who could override a veto.

"Everyone wants to avoid this," Shelby said, questioned about the risk of a new halt. "The president said that he wanted us to avoid that. He wants us to do the work. "

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