GRU poisoned "Novachkom" the supplier of arms in Ukraine


The third participant in an assassination attempt in Salisbury, hiding under the fictitious name " of Sergei Fedotov " was associated with poisoning by Novachkom's supplier. weapons in Ukraine.

This is an attempt at the Bulgarian businessman Omeliana Gebreva in April 2015, according to The Insider.

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The name of Fedotov's agent was received in 2010 and over the next 8 years. traveled to Europe and Central Asia. in 2014, for example, in Prague, then in Great Britain – during intoxication The Violinist . Fedotov also went to Bulgaria when Hebrew was poisoned there. How to organize an examination – a topic of the class "Novachok"


  The Bulgarian company Omeliana Gebreva has provided weapons to Ukraine
The company Bulgarian Omeliana Gebreva provided arms to Ukraine

April 24, 2014 "Fedotov" sailed from Moscow to the Bulgarian city of Burgas. He had a return ticket on April 30 but was in Istanbul on the evening of the 28th when he bought a ticket for Moscow. Earlier that day, Omelyan Gebreva had been hospitalized. He lost consciousness at the reception organized in Sofia. At about the same time, Heber's son and one of the senior executives of the company felt bad. All three had symptoms of serious poisoning.

A month later, Hebrew came out with a coma and his condition began to improve. Later, he told Bellingcat and The Insider that in May his condition had deteriorated further and that he had been hospitalized again. It should be noted that "Fedotov" sailed to Bulgaria for three days in May. From there, he did not return on a robbery, but after passing a hook through Serbia. Asked why he might be interested in the GRU, the Hebrew replied that he saw only two possible reasons: firstly, his company had provided arms to Ukraine and, secondly, the Russia could claim a factory of arms under control. his company.

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