The Aquarius Constellation has become the "swan song" of the "Kepler" telescope: NASA has released a snapshot


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The telescope completed its scientific work at the end of October

A sky of the Aquarius constellation fell on the photo / photo NASA

A parcel of sky was captured in the constellation Aquarius, writes ZN.UA

A photo was taken on September 25. At the last stage of his work Kepler observed the famous planetary system TRAPPIST-1 and the star GJ 9827, around which the planet turns, conducive to the observation of its atmosphere.

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The researchers point out that the monitoring that Kepler did not complete will be carried out with the help of the new" extrasetal hunter ", the TESS telescope .

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"Kepler" was launched in 2009. In 2013, one of the telescope's engines weakened, which resulted in a loss of ability to steer the tool accurately into space. However, the telescope continued to be used as part of the K2 mission to observe the stars in the plane of the ecliptic.

At the end of October, the telescope completely exhausted its fuel reserves and completed its work.

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