The funniest memes of the week: Lohan Yanukovych, "Blacha" of Lutsenko, sweet dream Trump


Last week, from February 4 to 10, we were comforted not only by many resonant events, but also by the pearls of some politicians. Channel 24 suggests you to recall some of them that have already become memos.

Yanukovych – again in shock

On February 6, Viktor Yanukovych gave a big press conference in Moscow. In addition to the usual statements that coincide with the rhetoric of the Kremlin, the fugitive president is also distinguished by some pearls.

Read also: What Yanukovych said at a press conference: the main theses

have thrown me as loha

"betrayed or, as advanced Ukrainian politicians say, thrown out me as loha … My opinion that the responsibility lies with them, none of them will remove it, and I'd like them to tell me publicly why I'm addressing myself to them for many years.: and press conferences, and I write letters, but the response of the European countries is so and has not received. "

While I'm traveling to Donetsk – that is Rostov today

"Why do not open the polls in Rostov, where are the Ukrainians? I tell you that I sometimes go out on the streets and as if I Going to Donetsk: "Zdrastya-zhrastye, zharthye-zhrastye" – that's Rostov today, wherever you look – all over the world, Ukrainians, why not not paying attention to people, it is impossible to talk to them for a long time, because the tears turn to their eyes, I listened a lot. But in fact, we were in the same conditions – we were expelled from the country. "

The banks of Interpol

" I move freely on the territory of Russia, I am not in greedy banks (the channel of 24 bases) d & # Interpol and I can freely go to any country in the world. "

Vodichka flew to court, I slipped and fell

" Hopefully – maybe a month, maybe a year and a half – and I will be on the ground. But everything was very simple: in the morning, when we arrived at the courthouse, there were not even visitors, we were the first … before he came, slipped, played, moved, shaked , perspired and everything. But at the beginning of the morning, it was raining in a torrential rain, a window was open (on a covered ground), the water flowed towards the ground and during my training, I fell seriously and fell. "

Pashinsky with an automatic system

" The organization of the shootings was beneficial for those who wanted to disrupt the peace talks that began on February 20 – with the participation of representatives of European countries and the opposition. The names of Andriy Parubia, who now runs the Verkhovna Rada, Sergei Pashinsky, who ran there with automatics, are called. Arrows shot from Opposition-Controlled Buildings

Without a Neck Loop

How I feel? We've known each other for a long time, friends, and I'm also delighted with you see the prosecutor said: "I am happy to see you without a neck."

Read also: "I am happy to see you without a neck," said the journalist about Yanukovych

Believe is the professional practice of Poroshenko

] "I know Petro Poroshenko for a very long time or very well … The problem is that it's not a state man, but a businessman. He has first place to personal advantage and money, and he is ready to replace him. Therefore, the methods that he uses are very sophisticated. His excellent rice is a lie. How much I knew him, how much I had with him … not only did he lie to me, he always lied to everyone. It's his professional habit, I would say, and a distinctive feature. "

Of course, on somewhat funny words, the guarantor reacts violently in the network.

  Yankovych, Poroshenko, May, press conference, Moscow

  Yankovich, Poroshenko, mem, press conference, Moscow

  Yankovich, mem, press conference, Moscow, loch

  Yankovich, mem, press conference, Moscow, loch

  Yankovich, mem, press conference, Moscow, Loh

  Yankovich , mem, press conference, Moscow, Loh

  Yanukovych, press conference, Moscow, pearl

  Yanukovych, press conference, Moscow, pearl

  Yanukovych, press conference, Moscow, pearl

  Yanukovych, Press conference, Moscow, pearl

  Yanukovych, press conference, Moscow, pearl

Read also: An elite Yanukovych apartment in Kiev will be handed to the temporary owner: photo de the house

"Bljayaha": "Woman of the third millennium" was lucky in the Council

Presidential representative Irene Lutsenko during the confused speech of the report of the Verkhovna Rada. Thus, the "woman of the third millennium" was to report the name change of the Dnipropetrovsk region, but went to the podium and began a report on Russian observers, as well as preparations for interference in the Presidential election.

The President of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubi stopped him and said that she does not report that.

Blagoyah! Sorry now, I will take the material. Sorry, please
– said Irina Lutsenko.

The Speaker of Parliament then urged his colleagues to understand, because "everyone is in a state of high tension, make important decisions, and Ms. Iryna must report on several bills."

She reacted quickly and leaned out of the stand.

See also: Putin – x ** llo, – Avakov (video of 18 years old and over)

Sweet dream of little Trump

Not only the current president Donald and his parents bear the name of Trump. Lives in the United States and Joshua, 11, who already enjoys some popularity in the country.

When he learns that schoolchildren rape a boy by his family name, the US guarantor invited him to his speech in front of Congress, where the politician reported "About state of the country ". The conversation lasted 82 minutes.

But adult Tramp was bored to say if his conversation was too long, but little Trump finally fell asleep. The picture of a child asleep on the bottom of politicians instantly flew through the network and became a meme. Truman, Joshua, speech, dream "src =" "style =" width: 640px; height: 348px; "/>

  Trump, Joshua, speech, dream

  Trump, Joshua, speech, dream Trump, Joshua, speech, dream ” src=”″ style=”width: 640px; height: 353px;”/>

  Trump, Joshua, speech, dream Trump, Joshua, speech, dream ” src=”″ style=”width: 640px; height: 353px;”/>

  Trump, Joshua, speech, dream

  Trump, Joshua, speech, dream

  Trump, Joshua, speech dream

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