Earth's inhabitants will be able to see "the incredible Hulk" at the naked eye
The most comet near Earth, nicknamed by the color of the atmosphere "Incredible Hulk" will be August 7.
In August, Earth's inhabitants will be able to see the mid-sun comet C / 2017 S3 (PanSTARRS) in the sky, writes theskylive.com
The comet will be visible without a glance. and the dimensions of his gas dust cloud are twice the size of Jupiter – the largest
According to Austrian amateur astronomer Michael Jager, specializing in the field of comets, July 2, the brightness of the comet "increased strongly" – from +12 to +9 in magnitude
. the cloud around its core – about 4 angular minutes, which is about 260 thousand kilometers in diameter. At the same time in the celestial body there is no usual tail for the comet.
The astronomer reported that the atmosphere of the comet has a green hue. Because of this feature, it has already been called "Incredible Hulk."
C / 2017 S3 (PanSTARRS) arrived in the arid saints of the cloud Oort that surrounds our planetary system. For the first time, it was noticed on September 23, 2017.
The perigee (as close as possible to the Sun) of an object is in the orbit of Mercury, which will cause the strongest warming of the surface of the comet. It will be closest to Earth on August 7th, with a luminosity of +4.
British scientists have found evidence that around 10950 BC. The Earth meets a comet that destroys mammoths and initiates the flowering of human civilization
It should be noted that on Friday, July 13, earthlings will be able to observe a rare solar eclipse that will be visible from the south coast of Australia, Tasmania Islands and Antarctica.
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