A dress – two events: Olga Kurylenko, dressed in a translucent dress, celebrates the lay events – Showbiz


The 39-year-old actress donned a beautiful Armani dress

Yesterday Los Angeles stars deflated red on the red carpet at the Grammy-2019 ceremony and in London during the BAFTA ceremony. 19659003] In the capital of England yesterday, there was enough to have fun at an extra event: a party, Vogue and Tiffany & Co.

Many celebrities, among which Olga Kurylenko, visited the village. The actress emphasized the slender silhouette of the red translucent purple Armani dress.

  Olga Kurylenko

Getty Images
Olga Kurylenko

She was wearing black silver sandals on her hairpin.

On her ears, red laconic earrings, she laid her hair gently, makeup her forehead and highlighting the pink lipstick.

  Olga Kurylenko

Associated Press
Olga Kurylenko

Incidentally, in the same way, Kurilenko attended the BAFTA ceremony. And there, and there, the complexless actress posed with confidence to photographers.

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