A Florida whose SAT result has been reported wants evidence of alleged fraud


The test administrators, meanwhile, declare that the initial evidence is in progress.

The girl, Kamilah Campbell, a student at Miami Gardens High School, cried foul after learning that the results of her new October test were being reviewed because she was too much in line with her answers . with other candidates. "

" We now accuse him of cheating. And why? They say: "Oh, just believe our word to say that there is something we see that is wrong" The human rights lawyer, Ben Crump , told CNN's "New Day" on Friday morning.

Campbell "studied harder than she ever studied in her life" to get a higher score, and her ability to apply for scholarships and his favorite colleges depends on pay, he said.

A report containing the initial evidence leading to the review was sent earlier this week and is on his way to Campbell, said Zach Goldberg, spokesman for The College Board, who developed the test.

Goldberg refused to provide the media with detailed information about the evidence, citing confidentiality concerns

From 900 to 1230

Campbell, who wants to attend Florida State University and specialize in dance, has an average of 3.1 points. She says her high school counselor suggested taking the SAT twice – once to get an idea of ​​her weaknesses and a second time after further study.

She got her first score – a 900 – at the beginning of last year.

"This score was only a starting point for me," she told CNN on Friday. "So, from that moment, I just knew:" OK, well, I have to work on that, I have to work on that. " "

Then her mother gave her a tutor, she took classes online, and she received a copy of The Princeton Review's book of preparation.

  Attorney Ben Crump said a company test unjustly denied Kamilah Campbell's SAT score

She retested the test in October. , the test company sent him a letter informing him that the score was withheld and examined.

"After a preliminary examination, there seems to be substantial evidence of the disability of your scores … ", says the document." Our preliminary concerns are based on a substantial agreement between your answers on one or more of the rated parts of the test and on those of others who have passed the test. The anomalies mentioned above raise concerns as to the validity of your findings. "

Campbell called the company, she said, and one representative told her that she had a 1230 combination of reading sections, writing and language, math and writing his second effort.A score of 1600 is perfect.

Crump and Campbell held a press conference Wednesday in Florida, claiming that the score was not being validated because Campbell had improved by 330 points.

The College Board objected to this.

What the College Board Says to Seek

With respect to the Campbell case, Goldberg has stated that he could only discuss the details that were relevant to him, the lawyers made public, but he added that the validity of the notes could be examined from different angles, including:

• If a test sheet looked like at this it is from another student or to that of a group of students, in an unlikely way.

• "cheat sheets" circulate among students.

• The notes that are revealed in the test booklets – which must be given and are the only document that students can take notes on. Some things to look for: If the booklet, which usually shows students' calculations or other notes, is empty.

Regarding Campbell's case, the college board's letter "never mentions score gains as a reason for his scores to be reviewed," Goldberg told CNN by email.

He emphasized what Campbell's initial letter said: there was "a substantial agreement between (his answers) on one or more noted sections of the test and those of the other candidates."

Goldberg can not say how many tests have been reported.

"I did not cheat"

Campbell, at Wednesday's press conference, said his score was valid.

"I did not cheat, I studied and I focused on making my dream come true," she says. "I worked so hard and did everything I could do."

Crump, a graduate of the state of Florida, has been involved when other former members of the former Soviet Union have asked him to help. He is currently leading Campbell and his mother in the application process at the College Board to validate his score in time for it to be accepted into the Florida State Dance Program.

The company has two weeks to respond to a letter of request, he said.

Crump repeated Wednesday that they thought Campbell's score was not being validated because it had improved 330 points.

"Instead of celebrating and celebrating, they are trying to murder his character, and we will not accept that," he said.

Campbell and Crump now participate in the "consistent and established procedure for assessing the validity of college board scores," said Goldberg by e-mail, which includes "the ability to provide relevant information, which are used to help determine the validity of the test results as a result of a full investigation. "

" At the end of the validity process of the results, we will cancel the results only if we are convinced that there is substantial evidence to that effect, "Goldberg continued, without offering any delay." We never cancel scores on earnings gains alone. "

Crump says time is crucial for college decisions

Crump says long analyzes could hinder Ms. Campbell's access to scholarships or to her favorite colleges, like this one State from Florida

"This 1230 (score) makes all the difference to whether she will enter the college of her dreams and if she can afford it," he said.

The College Board stated that the state of Florida had assured him that a student whose grades were delayed will be allowed to submit his grades upon review.

She refuses to retake the test

The College Board stated that Campbell could, at any time, take the test a third time. free to validate the second. If the scores of the third test were between 120 and 150 points of the second in the reading and mathematics sections, the score of the second test would be confirmed.

Campbell said that she would not pass the test again.

"It's unfair to ask him to do it," Crump told CNN on Friday. "Just like the movie" Stand and Deliver ", they want these students to be accountable to them, but this system should not be accountable to anyone … Well, this time they will also have to make accounts. "

Steve Almasy of CNN, Hollie Silverman, Tina Burnside, Michelle Krupa and Steve Forrest contributed to this story.

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