A former defense minister has announced suspicions of state damage in the amount of $ 560 million – the news on UNN


KYIV. January 14th UNN. The former Defense Minister of Ukraine, Dmitry Salamatin, was suspected of belonging to a criminal organization involved in actions aimed at expelling Ukraine from global arms markets in favor of Russia. This was reported by the Attorney General, Yuri Lutsenko, according to UNN .

He informed that the Department of International Legal Cooperation of the GPU was suspected of being the former Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Salamatin DA on participation in the criminal organization of Viktor Yanukovych, holding foreign property in particularly large quantities by abusing his official position and committing a state treason in the interest of the Russian Federation, undermining the defense capacity, to the state security and economic security of Ukraine by committing intentional acts aimed at expelling Ukraine from the world's arms markets in favor of the Russian Federation.

"Only the deliberate actions of Salamatina on the termination of the contract between the public enterprise" of the Design Bureau for the construction of Kharkiv machines, named after O.O. The Morozov companies, the Antonov state-owned enterprise, the state enterprise SSTT Progress and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Iraq for the supply, repair and maintenance 39, maintenance of military equipment resulted in losses of 560 million dollars for Ukraine, "said Lutsenko.

We add that today, January 14, Salamatin should have to appear for questioning by the Prosecutor General's Office

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Recall of Salamatin 2012 On February 8, 2012, he changed the position of Michael Yezhel and was dismissed from the Cabinet of Ministers on December 24, 2012. Salamatin was appointed adviser to Viktor Yanukovych on December 25, 2012.

In addition, Salamatin was at the head of the state companies "Uk rspetsexport "and" Ukroboronprom "in the Yanukovych era. He was also elected member of the Party of Regions in 2006-2007. In Ukraine, Salamatin lived in 1999, before becoming a Russian citizen and working in commercial structures in Moscow.

UNN Former Defense Minister Dmytro Salamatin of Viktor Yanukovych's government held accounts at HSBC Switzerland. $ 11.4 million.

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