A group of Mongol bikers loses its logo, the jury decides


In an unprecedented verdict on Friday, a federal jury decided that the group of Mongolian bikers should be stripped of its logo.

The jury of the US district court in Santa Ana, California, had already found Mongol Nation guilty of racketeering and conspiracy. The verdict was the second phase of a lawsuit focused on the confiscation of assets. It puts an end to a decade of research aimed at dismantling the gang that would be claimed for drug trafficking and murder.

"The Mongols are a notorious criminal organization. whose members routinely engage in acts of violence against law enforcement officers, rival gangs and members of the public, "said US lawyer Nick Hanna. "In this case, the verdicts called the corporate Mongols racketeering and ordered the confiscation of property used by the gang for decades to encourage and reward many acts of murder, aggression and drug trafficking. RATTLES NEW MEXICO CAPITAL

"In this case, the verdicts called the Mongolian company racketeers and ordered the confiscation of property used by the gang for decades to encourage and reward many acts of murder, assault and drug trafficking. "- US Attorney Nick Hanna

Authorities claim that the group's logo – a Genghis Khan character with sunglasses and a ponytail on a motorcycle, carried to the rear leather vests of Mongolian members – is directly related to the crimes of the club.

The verdict will result in the disqualification of the gang's right on the word "Mongols" and some of their patches, as well as on Mongolian objects seized during the investigation. Prosecutors said

that gang members were "empowered by those symbols they wore as armor," said US attorney Steve Welk.

The United States. District Judge David O. Carter refused to immediately order the confiscated logos and decided to hold a hearing next month to deal with potential first amendment issues raised by the verdict. ]

The advocate of the Mongol defenders, Joseph Yanny, wonders about the merits of the research of the brand of the group. why, in the name of God, would you remove them so that you can not know who they were? "Yanny said." It's the most stupid thing. "


The Mongols were formed in the 1960s in a suburb of Los Angeles It is estimated that the group has more than 1,000 runners in chapters worldwide.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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