A man went to the doctor for 4 years. The doctors did not understand what was happening to him until they discovered a strange object in his heart.


Zhou, a 29-year-old Chinese resident, entered a hospital because of poor health. The temperature of his body rose to 40 degrees. The patient complains of chest pain. He told the doctors that his condition had deteriorated about 4 years ago. The doctors examined the patient, conducted an investigation and passed all necessary tests.

The doctors found an inflammation of the heart. The shot showed an unnatural shadow on one of the lungs. It was decided that a surgical procedure was necessary.

It's amazing, but during the surgical operation, doctors found in Zhou's body a real toothpick whose length reaches six centimeters. She was in one of the heart chambers of men.

Experts assume that the toothpick entered the airways, then pierced the lung and that it went through the heart. Zhou told the doctors that he always put his toothpick in his glass with a cocktail. So he denotes it. The man suggested that he had swallowed the toothpicks with a cocktail without knowing it. The fact that he lived with a toothbrush at the heart of four years can be considered a real miracle.

For four long years of treatment, Zhou spent huge sums – about 863,000 hryvnia. The incident occurred Jan. 9, but the details are only known now.

The portal "Know.u" has already indicated: the parents brought a girl with a swollen face on the face of the hospital. The doctors found in his body an unusual parasite. From his nose, a real leech

And also: the girl found the ring that she lost 12 years ago. All the while, he was in his nose

According to the report, the girl found that she had suddenly stopped hearing men's voices. doctors have diagnosed an extremely rare disease, by which she only distinguishes women's voices

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