A popular Ukrainian singer refused to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest-2019


Tayanna, one of the most powerful actors of the national selection for Eurovision in recent years, was shocked by this statement. The singer has decided to abandon the participation of this year and explained why.

That's what 1NEWS reports.

"… Yesterday evening, I made a very difficult but conscious decision.This year I will not participate in the national Eurovision Song Contest.I think it will be better for everyone. Hope you will treat him with respect and understanding, "said the artist.

"Sometimes the universe does not give something to something not because you do not deserve it, but because you deserve something else." To confirm this, I feel that now I have to make that choice, I am sure there will be artists who will not appear on the list of participants but who need a ticket to Israel more than me, "said Tayanna. [19659002] – is a race with you – winning is only possible under one condition – being sincere and able to make difficult decisions, "she admitted.

"I respect and love our entire team who believes in me and did everything for us to reach this ambitious goal, but I say no … Enough now, I am immersed in what really fascinates me: record a new album and prepare for a solo concert, "said the singer. )
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