A powerful explosion erupted in The Hague


In The Hague (The Netherlands), a strong explosion occurs.

A victim has already been removed from the rubble. No other person has been reported under the rubble yet.

It is noted that the explosion occurred in Jan van der Heidenstraat. Several houses collapsed in an explosion. It remains unclear how many people were in the houses and how many are under the rubble. At present, two victims have been evacuated.

According to the emergency services, a gas explosion could occur. It is reported that another collapse is possible. [19559015] Meerdere mensen liggen onder het puin. Inmiddels Grip 1. The Traumatic helicopter is an aviation locomotive. pic.twitter.com/6IlkXYGb4l

– Redactie District8 (@ RedactieD8) 27 January 2019

Remember that a gas cylinder exploded: dozens of wounded, first images

In Russia, in the Saratov region, there was a terrible explosion in the café "Rendez-vous", reports LifeShot, the Telegram channel, which publishes the first videos of the scene.

A gas boiler exploded in a cafe in the village of Lisi Gory in the Saratov region.

As previously reported by "Znay.ua" On the Donbass, a story on several floors enamelled an explosion: there are victims, photos

Saturday evening, January 26, in the next part of the Police In the Donetsk region, one of the citizens of Ukraine said that an explosion in his apartment had been reported by a message from the local police.

According to the preliminary findings, the explosion would have been caused by a gas cylinder. As a result, a 40-year-old housewife and her 82-year-old and 20-year-old neighbor were injured.

Znay.ua also wrote that terrorists blew up the church while people were quietly praying: dozens of dead and hundreds of casualties

] Two explosive devices were unleashed in the # Holo Island Catholic Church

In the south of the Philippines, at least 19 people were killed and 48 wounded by the explosion of explosives located on the territory of the island of Holo. Catholic church, according to local police, according to RBC-Ukraine. with a link and the Associated Press.

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