A prisoner of war Helping found hepatitis, a prisoner of the Kremlin


Andrei Eider, a Ukrainian prisoner of war, exposes that hepatitis B and S. viruses are confident – the disease of the youngest Ukrainian captured infected in Russia

Channel 24 announced that the youngest Ukrainian military sailor Andrew Eider, in the Russian prison, could be infected. hepatitis The sailor himself went under the protection of his protector Alexander Markova

See also: Three sailors in poor health deteriorated – Denisova

Andrew brought the same epicrisis that was inflicted on him of departure of "Sailor & # 39; s Silence". What follows is that one quote: The anti-HCV (hepatitis C virus channel 24) is positive, the HBsAg (channel of the hepatitis C virus) is positive, the HBsAg (channel of the hepatitis C virus) is positive, the HBsAg (channel of the Hepatitis B – 24) is positive,
– Markov wrote

The lawyer notes that these analyzes are dated November 20, 2018 – so Ukrainian sailors have not yet fallen into Russian captivity since that it happened on November 25th. Thus, these analyzes could in no case be taken in Russia.

Report of the Attorney to Help

In addition, it is known that information about hepatitis B and C has been reported to help only during transfer to "Lefortovo". While the Ukrainian sailor was in the "sailor's silence", the boy was not informed of the illness.

Letter from the Attorney to Help

What do we know about Andriy's other wounds Assist? Helping is a fragmentary wound to the feet received during the bombing of Russian border guards of Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait.

"The wounds heal, I normally go, but I bark It is difficult to go up and down the stairs, unfortunately, a heavy load on the legs, I am mundane while I can not lift my Right foot, there is no force, "writes Ayer in a letter to reporters at the end of December

How Andrew Aid was in Russian captivity? His and 23 other Ukrainian sailors captured Russia ki guards near the Kerch Strait 25 November, here 2018. Thus, the Russian Federation committed an act of open aggression against Ukraine when She fired her warships in neutral waters. His transfer to Russia allegedly claimed that alleged Ukrainian vessels illegally entered the temporarily closed waters of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation and traveled to the Kerch Strait.

Three sailors were victims of the bombing. Russia seized 2 Ukrainian ships and captured 24 Ukrainian sailors. They were then arrested in occupied Crimea and taken to a Moscow SIZO. All Ukrainian sailors announced the opening of an investigation into Russian prisoners of war

On January 15 and 16 in Moscow, the court extended the arrest warrant against sailors, in party until April 24 and in part until the 26th day

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