A "representative office of the RDP" was established in Verona. Ukraine was indignant


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Ukraine has been outraged by reports of the opening of the so-called "representation of the RDP" in the city Italian from Verona.

The Italian media announced the opening the day before. The Ukrainian embassy in Italy has already described this step as "anti-Ukrainian provocation".

"The Embassy of Ukraine strongly condemns any attempt to promote and support terrorist groups in Italy – false" republics "on the territory of Ukrainian Donbass, which is unacceptable not only for the states EU members, but also for any society sharing the same position: democratic values ​​and fundamental rules of the modern world order. "

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At the Embassy, ​​they indicated that they had already sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. These are requests from the prefecture of Verona, in which they protested against actions "aimed at undermining the pan-European position in favor of the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state".

What is this representation?

The legal status of the "representation of the RPD" is still uncertain

According to reports of its opening, it was headed by Palmarino Dzokatelli and is already the second "affiliate of the RDP" in Italy. The first would have opened in Turin in 2016.

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In conversations with reporters, Dzokatelli himself had explained that the discovery of "representation" was due to the fact that he was not the only one to be involved. an agreement with the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPR".

"Our goal is to disseminate real information about what is happening in Donbass, which the official media still do not take in. Our goal is to draw public attention to a problem that remains without solution, "he said.

The Embassy of Ukraine said that Dzokaktelli – marginal political, his appearance No. "The position of leader of the false representation" did not surprise them.

"This was not a surprise to those who knew his life: he has long been at the head of the" Regional Committee for the Independence of Veneto "and, from the beginning of the year. Russian aggression against Ukraine was requalified as passionate promoter of contacts with temporarily occupied Donbass.

The Embassy added that it currently clarified the legal status of the newly created representation

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