A secret service agent assaulted by the man outside the White House after the immigration rally: the federal government


A US Secret Service agent was injured during an assault while he was patrolling outside the White House on Saturday shortly after the big gathering on immigration in the United States. Lafayette Park, according to recently filed Federal Court records.

Steven Carmona is accused of illegally parking his BMW along Pennsylvania Avenue, moving a bicycle rack-type security barrier erected for the rally and shouting at officers "Where is the president?" According to a secret service statement obtained by News4 I-Team

Court documents indicate that after Secret Service agents tried to stop Carmona for illegal parking, Carmona shifted the security fence and then struck an officer in the jaw and left. eye. Two officers took Carmona to the ground and handcuffed him because they said he was kicking the officers, according to the affidavit.

According to the affidavit, a Secret Service agent suffered a concussion and a knee injury.

"Carmona was placed under arrest for assaulting an officer of the federal police force. During his arrest, Carmona asked" Where is the president? He also told the officers, "Finish him, kill me," says the affidavit.

A judge ordered that Carmona undergo a forensic examination Thursday morning at DC Superior Court. also ordered Carmona to stay away from Agent Young, the White House Grounds and several streets in northwestern Colorado

.The Carmona attorney did not not immediately returned requests for comment Carmona is accused of assaulting a federal law enforcement officer.

The loading documents did not specify whether Carmona had any connection whatsoever with the company. Immigration rally, but said that Carmona had moved a security fence placed to control the crowds at the rally.

Organizers say 30,000 protesters rallied in front of the White House for the rally of families , where the speakers made a plea emotional so that children find their parents and end zero-tolerance immigration policies at the border. The I-Team investigation reveals nearly 30 White House security violations since 2014.

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