A senator from Colorado moves in front of Ted Cruz after the Senate closes


"These crocodile tears that the Texas senator claims for the first responders are too hard to accept," said Bennet, reacting to Cruz's remarks.

Bennet remarked that he "rarely spoke". to contradict a member because of his efforts to work in a bipartisan manner.

However, Bennet is remembered at the time when Cruz had already contributed to the closure of the government. In 2013, Cruz notably worked to protest against the law on affordable care and inspired in turn votes that blocked the government for 16 days.

"When the Texas senator overthrew the government in 2013, my state was flooded, it was submerged, people were killed, houses were destroyed, their small businesses were destroyed forever. because of the Texas senator, this government has been closed, for politics, "shouted Bennet.

In an interview with CNN's Erin Burnett on Thursday night, Bennet described the situation as "ridiculous".

"I also think it's ridiculous that we even have this conversation because they have not spent the money allocated to the wall. There was $ 1.6 billion dollars that have not yet been spent on building the wall, "Bennet said.

He continued on "CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront", "and the other thing, Erin, is so striking about this debate is that we have a president who threatens to declare an emergency, to build a wall at the border and take the country of the American citizens by eminent domain to build this wall – I can tell you that if a president of the United States suggested to do it in the state of Colorado, there is no Not a single elected politician in the state that would seem like a good idea. "

The government has been closed for more than 30 days as Republicans and Democrats are deadlocked on the president's request Donald Trump of $ 5.7 billion to fund a border wall.

"How ridiculous is it for this government to be closed for a promise the President of the United States could not keep?" Bennet told the Senate.

He went on to say, "The idea that he was going to build a medieval wall on either side of the southern border of Texas, take ownership of this idea of ​​the farmers and ranchers who were there and let the Mexicans pay the price is not true, why we are here, "said Bennet.

On Thursday, two proposals to reopen the government failed in the Senate – nor the threshold of 60 votes required to advance.

"And now we are here with the government closed on its broken promise while the Chinese land a spaceship on the dark side of the moon. That's what they do "said Bennet.

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