A Swiss journalist lodged with the prosecutor's office statements about the threats of Pavelka UA-Football


The president of the FFU is again at the center of the scandal

Swiss journalist Arnaud Beda said he received threats from the president of the Ukrainian Football Federation, Andriy Pavelko.

Recall that Biden had already published a series of articles on corruption stratagems of the president of the FFU

"The tragedy – the assassination in Ghana of a journalist who revealed the Corruption in local football – did not scare me, on the contrary, encourages them to fight dirty people even more altruistic so that they can no longer pursue their crimes.

J & # 39; I myself received a personal complaint after he published two disclosure articles about the corruption of the President of the Ukrainian Football Federation, Andriy Pavelko, threats and was forced to address the prosecutor's office with the Mr. Pavelco has now filed a false and baseless lawsuit against me and the publisher, who in particular asks the Lausanne court to forbid me to write about him and his stratagems.

Everything, I think, is very simple – In my articles, I said that Mr. Pavelko has enriched himself decently, after checking a fairly simple plan. I will not name the details, I've talked about it several times. Pavlenko and many other journalists have shot dozens of video clips and written hundreds of publications on this corrupt scheme. Criminal proceedings have been opened in Ukraine and Germany. However, only Mr. Pavelco gives me more attention: he ordered the publication of fake, dirty, personally threatened articles, continued the trial, "said Bade.

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