In Ukraine, the dollar is expected to rise in hryvnia in the coming week. According to the reviewer, the main analyst Alpari Vadim Iosub explained the weak activity of the currency exporters
.The non-monetary dollar will trade in a week about 26.6 UAH, and the cash dollar in the banks is from about 26.2 / 26.5 UAH.
It should be noted that since Wednesday, June 27, the official exchange rate of the US dollar, established by the NBU, rose from 26.19 UAH to 26.44 UAH, or 1.0%. The average exchange rate of the dollar on the interbank market during the same period increased from 26.36 to 26.46 UAH, or 0.5%.
Average rates of buying / selling cash in dollars increased over the week to 26.05 / 26 from 28 to 26.14 / 26.41. Thus, the purchase rose 0.4%, and sales – 0.5%. At the same time, the gap between the average sale and the average purchase rose from 0.9% to 1.0% due to the faster growth of sales compared to the purchase .
It should be noted that the NBU has developed a strategy for not receiving the next installment of the International Monetary Fund. In total, the NBU has prepared a document with three scenarios: the base scenario (everything will be fine with the IMF's loan and export prices), without the IMF tranches, without the IMF tranches and the falling prices of the IMF. metals. base scenario, the dollar will cost 28.5 UAH per kilo this year 2018 and UAH 28.7 by the end 2019-th. Without tranches of the IMF, the rates for these dates will be estimated by the NBU at 31.8 UAH and 33.7 UAH. And if to add a decline in metal prices, then the dollar at the end of the current year and the next year will cost 40.8 UAH and 39.4 UAH respectively, "- explained Yosub.
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