After investigating the program, Zelensky finally admitted to having a film company in Russia


Volodymyr Zelensky, who plans to run for the presidency, confirmed that he owned, through Cypriot society, three Russian film companies and commercial partners, one of which even won the contest to receive money from the Russian Ministry of Investments – about this Russian business reporter "Schemes: Corruption in Detail" (a joint project of Radio Liberty and the TV channel "UA: First") have were mentioned during the investigation "The Green Family Movement". Earlier in an interview, he stated that he had closed his business in Russia in 2014.

"Our company holds shares of this company.It's true," said Vladimir Zelensky at An interview with Ukrayinska Pravda

. He also said that Green Films, which won the competition for Russian public funds, had been transferred to management. Thus, according to him, this request for Russian funding was filed by "those engaged in this enterprise" in the Russian Federation.

"In an interview with the UP, Zelensky not only confirmed the data of our investigation, but also admitted that his film business was submitted to the Russian Ministry of Culture's competition for funding of their cinema by the budget of Russia.This was in 2017. Thus, he himself refuted the thesis that his film production there after 2014 will no longer be lifted, but will only touch royalties the years, "said Natalka Sedletska, Scheme Program Manager.

According to Zelensky, "Quarter 95" "It's getting royalties on the entire product produced in 2014. But it can not get out of the founders of the Russian company because it is bound by long-term contracts

"The" Swasti "project was concluded before the start of the war with Russia. The contract is concluded for 10 years. How can I close this business? Contract until the 21st year. From the 11th to the 21st year, we receive royalties from Svatov. We get this money. So what can we do? Give them Russians? No, "explains the showman

However, as Zelensky notes, he apparently would have found a solution to this situation and is considering withdrawing from the founders of a Cypriot company.

Previously," Schemes "had discovered that Vladimir Zelensky still had a film business territory of Russia, although he assured that he had closed it in 2014.

The journalists discovered three Russian companies specialized in the production of film, video and TV shows: Weissberg Picchers, Platinum Film and Green Films.The founder of all three is the Cypriot company Green Family Ltd. The same company is co-founder of LLC "Kvartal 95" in Ukraine, whose final beneficiaries are Volodymyr Zelensky, his business partners Andrei Yakovlev, Boris and Sergei Shefiry and his associate Igor Kolomoisky Timur Mindych

  GREEN FAMILY LTD. es de Zelensky and Timur Mydych, a colleague of Kolomoisky

For GREEN FAMILY LTD, there are long-standing business partners, Zelensky and Timur Mydych, a colleague of Kolomoisky

The biggest success is Green Films. According to the Federal Service of National Statistics of Russia, in 2014, the amount of receipts in the accounts of Green Films amounted to more than 340 million rubles. In 2015, about 208 million rubles, just over 123 million rubles were awarded.

In 2017, Green Films revenues reached nearly 180 million euros. Among them, rent, royalties, license fees – about 143 million rubles

  Rosstat data on the amount of receipts on accounts of Zelensky in Russia

Rosstat data on the amount of receipts on accounts of Zelensky in Russia

Green Films company not only works in Moscow, but also participated in the Russian funding competition aimed at the state and was successfully selected.

  Green Films decided to raise funds from the Russian budget for production - participated and was adopted successfully. in Selection to the competition for public funding

Green Films decided to raise funds from the Russian budget for production – participated and succeeded in the selection for the competition for public funding

End of December 2018, Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with the reporter Dmitry Gordon said that the last film "Quarterly" had been made with Russian colleagues in 2012. "The last film we did with Russian colleagues meant that it was in 2012, and he was at the Poster in 2014, "said Zelensky, adding that" everything was stopped by mutual "sympathy".

"We had an office in Moscow – it was all up to the 14th year.We closed the trade that was paying a lot," he told Gordonov in an interview .

Questions about the activities of the cinema in Russia to journalists Schem managed to stage Vladimir Zelensky, near his office in Kiev. What he said: "Well, work with them, I do not work with them, good luck to you". On the question of clarifying public subsidies from the Russian budget for film production, business in Russia, he replied: "You tell the lie." created an international company in the field of audiovisual content production, so that there are businesses, real estate and other assets, not just in the jurisdictions you specify; There are also some in Italy, in the United Kingdom, etc. (…) The studio "Quarter 95", aware of the situation, no longer produces any product in the territory of the Russian Federation. "

And in the aftermath of the" Scheme "investigation, Volodymyr Zelensky apologized to journalists for his reaction to these questions." Commented partially commercial information in Russia that bypassed the question of society Cypriot and the victory of Green Films in the competition for public funding of Russia.

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