Alcatel sells smartphones containing viruses: uncontested evidence is published


Alcatel is accused of selling smartphones containing viruses. In addition, the malicious code is implemented directly at the factory. The new scandal promises to be even more serious, as it is no longer just a matter of showing ads to users, but also of malware, which, according to the UK's Upstream, specializing in security issues, has appeared in models. Pixi 4 and A3 Max. It's this company that has discovered dangerous programs that can afford a lot of things.

This is a company-specific weather forecast for the Weather Forecast-World Weather Exact radar, which, in addition to its primary function, was undocumented and unpleasant for ordinary consumers. And although this weather application, it was too much, and the data was merged in China on an unknown server. He collected data on phones, email addresses, and IMEI locations and sent them to a remote TCL server. It has been reported subscriptions to paid services without the knowledge of phone owners and the considerable expense of mobile traffic. Thus, money has been withdrawn from users, which is not very pleasant.

Information on how malware has appeared in the TCL brand weather app is still missing. By the way, the total number of downloads of the program has already exceeded 10 million and smartphone owners are infected with viruses.

We remind you that the Google Chrome browser has been trained to delete up to 12 types of ads. However, this feature can be tested from July 2019, said the director of Chrome products. Apparently, users will now get rid of annoying ads, videos that include them alone and banners that can not be closed or removed from the screen. Google will do it, and that can only please.

Earlier, Know .u reported that the cult game Rockstar GTA IV will appear on smartphones. It should be noted that a lot of time has passed since the release of this game. However, developers have only now decided to move the project to mobile devices and tablets. And this is not surprising, as device performance has increased dramatically over the years, so nothing is expected.

Know that Xiaomi has introduced smart TVs at the price of smartphones. It is reported that the new device of the Chinese company has all the modern features, but the price is only $ 500. All right, that sounds very tempting. It is too early to talk about the date of release of the device, but those who want to buy the device will certainly be.

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