Alexander Pedan criticized the Eurobikes


The famous Ukrainian conductor Alexander Pedan said, in one of the recent interviews, his opinion on the cars appearing in the European register

because of the new issue of the program Zee Interviewer [19659002]. Anatoliy Anatoliyovych, the chief admitted that he had had his money on his car. As for the drivers of foreign cars, then, according to the celebrity, they most often violate the rules of the road and drive "more rigorously".

"First of all, it 's not fair, I myself won on my car, and someone bought it three times cheaper. But it's the same, I'm not sorry for them, but these cars are really going the "hard way" I do not know what this is related to.A guy who rushes on such a car will stop the police and could just give it to them, "said Pedan.

It should be recalled that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has prepared a resolution, which will require drivers to submit to a medical examination and, in case of illness, it will be prohibited to Ukrainians to s & rsquo; Sit behind the wheel. This was reported by representatives of the Ministry of Health. At the moment, the authorities are finalizing the new law and if it comes into force, many drivers are waiting for severe tests. This resolution is now actively discussed in profile ministries and departments, as well as in society, which has caused considerable resonance and controversy.

It was reported previously that, in light of recent events, rumors have begun preferential customs clearance may continue. It is well known that some People's Deputies have already stated that they will extend the grace period for the clearance of cars registered in the European Register. EvroBlakeryam an unexpected gift: big queues for those who wish.

Do you know writing: Euroblogs without customs: Ukrainians have found a loophole to circumvent the law.

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